• seo

    How to Develop a Successful SEO Campaign

    Looking for a way to improve your marketing strategy with a brand new SEO campaign? Well, you’re definitely in the right place! In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business to grow and succeed. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key component of digital marketing, allowing you to improve your website’s visibility. Want to get on that coveted first page of Google? Or Bing? Or any search engine that’s popular in your region? A successful SEO campaign will help you do that. One of the critical factors in achieving long-term success is to know exactly how to effectively develop and run SEO campaigns. Developing…

  • ai,  writing

    How You Can Leverage AI Tools to Write Faster

    In the last blog post, we spoke about delusions on AI tools replacing writers. Of course, I’m going to stick to my stance that writers cannot be replaced, but we did end the blog on a more positive note. AI tools, for better or worse, are here to stay. So, what can we do about them? In the case of new technology everywhere, there’s a general consensus that you either get with the program or risk falling behind. Luckily for us, at this point, it’s not about falling behind, but rather…well, allowing your work to fall behind. SEO’s very cutthroat, if I do say so myself. What worked about a…

  • ai,  writing

    On the Rise (and Fall) of AI Writing Tools

    It’s been about a year-ish since AI driven content took the world by storm. More specifically AI writing tools. I was actually in an interview with the CEO of a tech company, the day after ChatGPT-4 was announced. Up until that point, I had been extremely excited by the idea of AI writing tools. Unfortunately, some employers decided to believe that AI writing tools were a replacement for copywriters and not a useful writing aid for them.  Seriously.  Let’s go back to the interview I was in. I was pretty confident that I would get the job. My experience was perfectly aligned with the position. I had the perfect references,…

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    Lit Magazine Acceptance Incoming: I Got Published!

    Before we move on to the rest of this blog, I just want to say: I got an acceptance from a lit magazine! Okay, now back up. For those of you who’ve been wondering, I’ve been missing for a couple of months. And it’s because work has been quite gruesome. Not because of anything I’ve done, but it has been interesting. Especially given the whole crypto situation. Fun fact: Not a good time to be in blockchain anything right now. For now, you have my sincerest apologies. Anyway, let’s move on to the topic at hand. I spent the last year submitting my short stories, nonfiction retellings and poems to…

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    SEO Courses and Resources for Writers and Marketers

    Are you interested in taking SEO courses but don’t know where to get started? Don’t worry – that’s how most of us start out! In my very first blog post about SEO, I briefly addressed some of its key components, and how each of these are super important for the ranking of your website or blog. Recently, I had the amazing opportunity to intern at one of Turkey’s top SEO agencies. And yes, I spent the summer interning even though I’m working full-time because remote is the way forward and I could show up after working hours. I know, I have weird interests. But it’s actually because I’ve been tracking…

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    Here’s A List of Free SEO Tools for Beginners

    There’s no doubt that the best way to attract an audience to your blog or website is by ranking on Google and other search engines. But how do you do that? How do you optimize your blog posts and web pages so that they rank on Google?  Well, there are a number of free SEO tools available online that can definitely help. However, with so many free SEO tools out there, it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for. To make things easier for you, especially if you’re just beginning to delve into the SEO game, I’ve created a list of the best free SEO tools for beginners…

  • an apple laptop on someone's lap depicting a carefree work environment

    Freelancing 101: How to Get Freelance Jobs

    Real talk: I think it’s really weird that in 2022, with the financial crisis looming over our heads, people still don’t seriously consider freelancing. Freelance jobs provide the easiest source of income today.  Yet, for some reason, everyone’s under the impression that finding freelance gigs is really hard. That’s not true. Of course, maintaining an income entirely on freelance jobs can be hard and requires careful planning. But to say that finding freelance jobs is difficult; well, that’s simply not true. Browse through any freelancing site, Facebook group and even job listing sites like LinkedIn, and you’ll find hundreds, if not thousands, of freelance gigs across various industries. The issue…

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    The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to SEO

    SEO. You’ve probably heard it thrown around quite often. It’s actually a bit of a buzzword for ranking content these days. Everyone talks about it. From bloggers to self-titled “SEO gurus,” if you’re into content creation, you know that SEO and SEO tools are the way to go. And there’s no doubt about it. The right SEO practices guarantee that your website will be ranked on Google and other search engines. But how do you do that? How do you optimize your blog posts and web pages for search engines? What is SEO? SEO is like magic. The very first thing to do is to understand what SEO truly is.…

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    Writing 101: Copywriting vs Content Writing

    Have you wondered what the difference between copywriting and content writing is? Of course, both consist of the word “writing” in them. Sure, you have to form sentences and follow grammar rules to create a piece of written content. However, that’s the only similarity between these two phrases. Copywriting vs content writing is an interesting notion in digital marketing. You’ve probably seen hundreds of articles with these words, taking about the “writing process“. The truth is, if you’re interested in digital marketing or any kind of marketing really, you must understand the difference between these two mediums. So, copywriting vs content writing- what is it? To understand the differences between…

  • a laptop and notebook and a cup of coffee in black and white

    Writing 101: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

    I’ve been writing since I was four years old. Or younger, I don’t remember exactly. But what I do remember is that even in my earliest memories, there would always be a purple spiral notebook in my hand. I don’t know what drew me to writing.  It was just something that I did. A popular story I’ve known is that I couldn’t really express myself and writing was my refuge. Unlike other childhood pastimes, like drawing and trying to magic my younger siblings out of existence, this is the only “hobby” that has stuck. Well, writing and reading are the only hobbies that have stuck. Yet, I find myself writing…