• blogging

    Google Update’s Over: Now What? Key Takeaways You Can Benefit From Today!

    The Google Update’s over! I actually cut it pretty close with the last blog. The update finished a few hours after I published my blog on Site Kit. I think this is the first time in the history of this blog that I’ve actually done something on time, and I’m super pleased with myself. Let’s take a moment to appreciate that for a second. I thought that since I’ve been weirdly obsessed with it (I’m usually very obsessed with Google updates; I just never talk about it here), I’d go into a bit more into detail about what happened, and the key takeaways that you can use to further improve…

  • blogging

    How to Set Up Site Kit by Google in Your WordPress Dashboard

    One of the SEO gurus I follow on Twitter, came out with a tweet today saying that the August Update might end some time this week. So, in order to finish this mini series on time, I decided to get ahead and finish off with a guide on Site Kit. In my previous blog, I talked about how you can use Google Search Console to submit your sitemap. But that’s not all that GSC is used for. In fact, if you combine GSC with Analytics, you can get a pretty solid overview of things like web traffic and keyword tracking. In the meantime, I’ll help you set up Site Kit…

  • blogging,  seo

    How to Improve Your Website Speed and Performance with WP Rocket

    In a piece titled Top Website Statistics For 2024, Forbes revealed that 47% of users won’t wait longer than two seconds for a website to load. Think about it: you have, at most, two seconds to get your audience’s attention, or they will click off your site. In fact, in the same article, it was revealed that users form an opinion about a website in just 0.05 seconds. The writing on the wall is clear: website speed is very important. And it affects everything. From web traffic to retention to conversion; everything depends on speed. It’s also a factor that may be affecting your site’s SEO ranking. There’s no point…

  • blogging,  seo

    How to Create and Submit Your Sitemap to Google: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Google recently rolled out its August 2024 Core Update. And it’s driving everyone crazy.  People (and this includes the place I work at) have been seeing a significant increase in their traffic. A lot of people have also seen their traffic go down (running theory is that this is a crackdown against AI-generated content and we all know how I feel about that). And I am happy to report that I’m one of the “small, independent” websites Google wanted to promote in this update. Check this out: Side note: I’ve seen a similar hike around this time at work too.  Now, I haven’t done anything. This traffic has come out…