• productivity

    Back to Blogging: Productivity Tips for Part-Time Bloggers with Full Time Jobs

    I think it’s safe to say that this blog is a perfect example of how consistency is hard for bloggers. There are times where I’ll post on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, before falling off the wagon completely. In part, it’s due to the fact that this blog has always been on the back burner in terms of priority. That changed this year; I’ve been (infrequently) blogging to see how I can get traffic and improve my following. So far, it’s worked. But if you’re someone who’s interested in blogging full-time, being inconsistent is not an option. If you’ve recently started a blog, or you’re thinking about starting one, chances…

  • miscellaneous

    Life Update: I Got Published in an ACTUAL Print Magazine

    Long time, no life update, am I right? Yeah, I’ll stop trying to be funny here. First thing’s first, I haven’t abandoned this blog. In fact, I’ve been optimising my old blog posts and going wild on Pinterest. I’ll be posting a couple of blogs about that at some point here. Now, with that out of the way, this blog, as the title suggests, is a life update. For my new readers, I only do life updates when something big happens, and in the span of this blog’s lifetime, there has only ever been one other life update. That was about the first time I got published in a literary…